Learn How to Triforce: 6 Effortless Approaches

how to triforce

Learning how to triforce can be helpful if you frequently use your computer to type on online chats forums or things like that. A triforce is a triangle of triangles arranged so that the resulting triangle consists of four equilateral triangles. A combination of keys is required to be pressed together to get a triforce typed on the computer. These combinations can differ based on the operating system you are using, but the output is the same. The triforce is a symbol that became popular by a popular video game, Nintendo’s Legends of Zelda.


Triforce Explained

Triforce Logo. (Wikipedia)

Before learning how to triforce, let’s understand what a triforce actually is. Geometrically, A triforce is a special shape. It is an equilateral triangle constructed using three smaller equilateral triangles. The smaller equilateral triangles are arranged so that the resultant shape looks like another equilateral triangle. Two of the smaller equilateral triangles are arranged at the bottom so that the tip of both the triangles touches the bottom tip of the other triangle placed on top of them. The gap among all three triangles is also an equilateral triangle of the same surface area as the three beginning triangles.

The logo of the game from which the concept of the triforce originated. (Wikipedia)
The logo of the game from which the concept of the triforce originated. (Wikipedia)

What does tirforce represent

Before going into how to triforce, let’s find out what triforce represents. According to the Legends of Zelda, each triangle in the triforce represents something unique. The triangles are golden in color, which means their uniqueness. Each triangle represents a quality. Each golden triangle in the triforce can be interpreted as a triforce of Power, Triforce of Wisdom, and Triforce of Courage.

The three triangles, in a way, also represent the three goddesses of the land of Hyrule. The first triangle represents the goddess Din, the goddess of Power. The second triangle represents the goddess of Wisdom, Nayru. And the third triangle represents the goddess of Courage, Goddess Farore. These triangles, when combined together, form an artifact called the triforce.

How to triforce

In the following subsections, we show you how to triforce on different operating systems and also show you how to triforce if the key switch combinations don’t work for you.

How to triforce Linux

To get a triforce on a Linux machine, open any text editor or text field where you wish to type the triforce symbol, use the following keystroke combination to print a triangle and the use to combination again to print the right amount of space required to make a triforce and then again to print the triangles using the combinations correctly a nice triforce can be typed easily.

  • To create a Triangle(▲). Press the Ctrl + Shift + u.
  • A u with underline would show up, type 25b2 continously without spaces.
  • Hit Enter.
  • Now to get the required spacing.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + u.
  • Enter a0 with the attatched underlined u.
  • Hit Enter.

To get the required shape of a triforce, create one space, create a triangle, then switch to the next line by hitting Enter. Now create a triangle, create a spacing, then create a triangle again. It would help if you had a triforce on your screen. NOTE – You can also use normal spacing using the spacebar.

A triforce in nano(Linux).
A triforce in nano(Linux).

How to triforce Windows

To type a triforce on a Windows machine, you have to use a certain different number of key combinations. The following steps show how to triforce on Windows.

  • Open the text field or text editor on which you wish to draw a triforce.
  • Make sure you numpad is on and is not locked.
  • Hold the Alt button and press 255 on the numpad twice. This would create the required spacing.
  • Hold the Alt button and press 30 on the numpad. This would create the ▲ symbol.
  • Hit enter for a line break.
  • Again create a triangle then a spacing and a triangle again.
  • ▲ ▲ Should be created.

NOTE – You can also use the spacebar for spacing.

How to triforce windows
Triforce on windows.

How to triforce on MAC

On a MAC system, the keystrokes combinations are different from windows and Linux. The option key is used on MAC instead of the Alt key. Follow the given steps to draw a triforce on a MAC computer.

  • Open the text field or text editor where you want to draw the triforce.
  • Open the text field or text editor on which you wish to draw a triforce.
  • Make sure you numpad is on and is not locked.
  • Hold the option + space. This would create the required spacing.
  • Hold the option + j. This would create the ▲ symbol.
  • Hit enter for a line break.
  • Again create a triangle then a spacing and a triangle again.
  • ▲ ▲ Should be created.
  • NOTE – You can also use the spacebar for spacing.

How to triforce on Discord

It is not easy to triforce in Discord as the text field in the discord application behaves slightly differently. Here we show you how to triforce on Discord. To draw a triforce on a discord text field as you normally would on your respective operating system. Just keep in mind whenever you use the space bar or newline (hitting Enter), hold the Shift key with it. Holding the shift key means raw input, and any unnecessary formatting would be removed.

How to triforce Facebook

Just as the case with Discord, the Facebook text fields can also act differently. To draw a triforce on Facebook, follow the instructions on the operating system you are using it on. And if there is an issue with the newline or spacing character, use the Shift key for raw input. However, if you can still draw the triforce, follow the trick suggested below to copy and paste the triforce.

How to Triforce – Trick

If you frequently use the Triforce symbol, then drawing it each time you want to could be a hassle, or you are just unable to draw the triforce, to begin with. To workaround, copy the Triforce symbol from the internet and then simply paste it on the text field you wish to draw the symbol. You might need to hold the Shift key while pasting if you copied from a formatted text field.

FAQs on How to Triforce

On which console was Legends of Zelda first released?

It was first released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

What Unicode is used for [▵] in Linux?

The Unicode for ▵ is u25b2.

What do you mean by a text field?

An element of the Graphical User Interface where the user is prompted to provide input in the text is called the text field.


Triforce is a simple symbol consisting of three equilateral triangles. The concept was taken from a famous video game called Legends of the Zelda. People take drawing the triforce symbol using a keyboard as a challenge in online communities. Today, In this article, We provided you with five easy approaches to draw a triforce depending on your application text fields and Operating Systems.

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