The main reason for comparing Krita vs Corel Painter is to identify which one helps the user more. Krita is a design and digital drawing tool with some impressive features. On the other hand, Corel Painter is well-known in the world of digital drawing, painting, illustration, and artwork. So both of these tools are helpful at some point.
We need to find which one is more helpful for the users. So here is a comparison of these two software considering the most important points is as follows.
Why is Krita important in the field of drawing and designing?

Krita is a popular design and drawing software. The user can create and design digital arts, drawings, and illustrations.
It helps the professionals to create unique projects. Krita has a lot of useful features like watercolors, charcoal color, pastel color, oil painting, and many more.
The users can customize and design with various brushes, pencils, and other options to beautify their work.
The project created with the help of this tool is compatible with a variety of platforms. Editing of images is done easily with this tool.
The user does not need to pay any price for this software. It is open-source software and it is free.
Why is Krita better than Corel Painter?
There are many reasons to consider Krita as the better choice between Krita vs Corel Painter. Those are as follows:
- Cost-effective: The most important point that comes to anyone’s mind is the cost. In comparison between Krita vs Corel Painting, cost plays a major role. Krita is free for the user. However, Corel Painter is a costly tool.
- Customization of tools and other features: Some people find it helpful that Krita has great customization for the tools and features. The user can customize some favorite as well as most used tools as per their requirement. However, in Corel Painter, this customization facility is not as good as Krita.
- Smooth operation: Krita offers a smooth operation while the user is working on a project with it. Many users reported that they did not face any lag while working with it.
Why is the Corel Painter so popular in the world of design?
Corel Painter is software that makes digital painting and illustration a lot easier. Professionals who are keen on design with graphics and comics use this tool the most.
Working on canvas and with high-level texture is easier with this software. On the other hand, Corel Painter is mainly for high-level work with advanced-level designers.
However, users of any level can work with this. It is widely used in the art and design industry rather than others. The results will always be natural and eye-catching if it is done properly.
Corel Painter comes with two different versions of paid plans. One is the Student Version, which costs around 99 dollars for the one-time purchase. The other one is the Corporate Version, which costs around 429 dollars for the one-time purchase.
Both are compatible with Windows OS as well as macOS. In addition, the Corel Corporation offers a 30-day money-back guarantee along with both plans. There are also mobile apps for Android and iPhone, and iPad.
Why do the professionals use the Corel Painter in between Krita vs Corel Painter?

The advantages that are observed here in this Corel Painter are far more superior. This is why most of the professionals keep Corel Painter ahead in between Krita vs Corel Painter. Here are some of the reasons as follows:
- Absolutely for the professionals: Corel Painter is absolutely for the professionals. Its features and effects are completely unmatched in terms of high-level work. So Corel Painter leads in between Krita vs Corel painter for professional works. However, Krita does a decent job but not better than Corel Painter.
- Enhance the beauty: Corel Painter gives the work a professional look and enhances its beauty. Therefore, anyone can easily understand that it is high-level work. Furthermore, the result will be even more attractive if the user has the skills to combine their design work with Adobe Photoshop.
- User-friendly interface: Corel Painter may be more useful for highly skilled designers. Still, it has a user-friendly interface. Many users mentioned that they feel comfortable with this user interface. In terms of user-friendliness between Krita vs Corel Painter, Krita is behind. Many people faced difficulty starting with Krita.
- A wide range of built-in features: Many built-in features are helpful for the user to work with. Cloning tools, layers, brushes, tracing tools, symmetry axis tools, canvas all are there within Corel Painter. Corel Painter has a lot more features in between Krita vs Corel Painter,
- Available colors: A variety of colors like watercolor, oil color is available here. Apart from that, there are brushes, pencils, sketches, and many more. These give the work a dynamic and realistic approach.
While using the Corel painter, many users are getting the issue of Corel Painter Essentials 5 Won’t Open to solve it, you can read our in-depth article from here.
In between Krita vs Corel Painter, which of the professionals prefer the most?
Most professionals prefer the Corel Painter the most than Krita for its advanced features and tools. This is because the results of Corel Painter are also professional.
What is the main deciding factor in choosing Krita in between Krita vs Corel Painter?
Krita comes for free. On the other hand, Corel Painter is a costly tool if we consider its Corporate Version. Therefore, the cost is deciding factor if someone wants to choose Krita over Corel Painter.
What is the more advanced level designing software between Krita vs Corel Painter?
Corel Painter is the more advanced level software between these two. It has advanced tools with some unique features to create extraordinary results.
In this article, we have discussed the positive and negative sides of Krita vs Corel Painter. Both have advantages as well as disadvantages from different points of view. However, Corel Painter is the clear winner between Krita vs Corel Painter.
A lot of skilled designers and illustrators voted for Corel Painter as one of the best digital drawing and design software out there. However, anyone is free to choose any of them based on their requirements.