KB3177467 is free to install the Windows 7 version, launched during the year 2018. It is also the last servicing stack update Windows server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows 7.
There are a few ways to download this on your system (if you are using Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 SP1) and what are the advantages of having it and why it can not be uninstalled.
What is KB3177467
It is an open-source optional update for users of Windows 7 and Windows 2008. This is mainly used to fix two errors that occurred on the computers. The errors are as follows:
Restart stuck on stage 2 and Restart stuck on stage 3
The optional update can be downloaded free of cost to reduce the time taken drastically when the Restart loading screen is stuck for a very long time.
Error 0x8000FFFF
This nuisance occurs while installing and updating the system to a September version of Windows update during the year 2018. The problem is rectified by downloading the Windows KB3177467.
Where can I download this
There are two official links where you can easily go and download this version. They are:

Windows update error KB3177467
This error occurs when the system is unable to detect new updates or cannot install an update. This issue can be fixed by using the below procedures:
Stop Windows Update
- Type services.msc in the Run command window.
- The Services window will open in a few seconds.
- The different services that are running and available in your computer is presented in an alphabetical order.
- Fetch for Windows Update service.
- Select STOP after right-clicking on it.

Clean the Windows update cache folder
Open the Windows Explorer
Copy-paste the below path in the search path area, available at the top of the Windows Explorer.
Select them all and delete all of those three or four files.

Recommended Reading | Easy Ways to Rectify Microsoft Update KB4471318 Error
Restart the Windows Update Service
- In the Run command window, type the text: services.msc
- The Services window will open in some time.
- The various services that are available and running in your computer is presented in an alphabetical order.
- Search for the Windows Update service.
- Restart the service.
- This is done by clicking on the Start option, after right clicking on the Windows Update Service.
- Restart your computer.
Another way of fixing this issue is through the Safe Mode.

Using the Safe Mode
Some software might be interrupting the update progress and initialization.
By entering in the safe mode, you will be able to update with a smooth flow.
Search for system configuration or MS configuration and open it.
Move to the Boot panel.
Select Safe boot, OK, Apply.

Restart your computer.
You can exit from the safe mode by unchecking the Safe Boot option and clicking OK.
FAQs on KB3177467
Can I uninstall KB3177467?
No. The main reason is, that the Stack Service updates can not be uninstalled.
Which year was the Windows KB 3177467 released?
It was released in the year 2018. Its main aim was to fix the bugs which were in the previous version.
Should I install KB3177467?
If your Microsoft Windows version is older than this version (KB 3177467), then you should consider upgrading your system to this version or to a newer version than this, as few applications will lag if the system is not kept up to date.
Is kb3177467 spyware?
No, it is not spyware. It is an msc file that is used to update the systems. It does not hijack any vital information of the users.
kb3177467 has a GWX. What does it do?
A GWX (Get Windows 10) is an executable file that aids in an easy enhancement of your system to the Windows 10 version. It is entirely free of cost.
Even though most of us use a Windows version higher than Windows 7, there are still some features in Windows 7 for which the computer systems have been halted to upgrade themselves. There will be new versions or sub-versions of Windows every year based on the demands of the clients and issues faced by the users and clients.
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